Any good MMA fighter needs to have powerful legs. This allows them to deliver devastating kicks, improves their grapples, and transmits power into the arms during well-executed punches.
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One of the best ways of improving one’s legs for fighting is sprint training, which trains your legs in explosive bursts. Let’s have a look at some of the benefits that sprint training may have for a fighter.
- It burns fat and builds muscle at high rates
Sprint training is an anaerobic workout, which means greatly improved muscle gain and fat burn over aerobic exercise like lighter jogging. This can be helpful for all aspects of a fighter’s performance, but also contributes to the pound-shedding prior to the weigh-in.
- It increases endurance and energy
Sprint training also stimulates bone growth, metabolism, energy stores in the muscles, and improves one’s lactic threshold, or the point after which you start to get tired. This is perfect for better performance over long, drawn-out matches.
- It does everything in less time
Sometimes fighters need to get their training done in a short span of time, for example when training for an upcoming fight. Sprint training requires only short intervals of exercise, but remains effective and even faster-acting than other training methods.
Sprint training is a versatile and effective workout, especially for fighters. Have you tried it in your regimen?