Eye-Gouging is a move that should only be resorted to in extreme circumstances for many reasons. You only get one chance at it, so you need to make sure you execute it properly first time around; It has the capacity to permanently blind the other person, and finally, it is incredibly gross (unless you are fond of the sensation of your thumb going through someone’s eyeball, in which case, please stay away from us). But there is no denying a properly executed eye gouge is the most effective of all close range self-defense moves. The thing is, if you are going to do it, you really need to commit to doing real damage. If you just press hard but don’t follow through, your attacker will quickly recover and will be even more aggressive with you. It’s not a move to be taken lightly, but the sad reality is that if you are forced to resort to it, you are aiming to destroy.
To properly gouge the eyes a finger or thumb should be driven deeply into the eye socket causing the eyeball to hemorrhage or crush. If the situation is life-threatening and must be ended instantly then a deep thrust of the finger deep into the eye socket and down past the occipital bone can be applied, which will cause convulsions or death.
You can practice an eye gouge using a toy hockey mask and tape it to a striking mitt. This helps you get used to quickly aiming for the eye area, by sliding your fingers into the mask’s eyeholes. You will need a practice partner. He/She can hold the mask still while you practice striking to the eyes and then progress to moving the mask around, which would allow you to practice gouging a moving target. If you got some extra dollars laying around and are fully committed to the cause, you can always purchase an ‘Eye-Gouging Practice Head’. Yes, they exist!
There are a few different types of gouge techniques that you can apply besides the “Thumb In The Eye” we have been referring to above :
Jeet Kune Do Finger Jab – This involves having the fingers slightly curled and flushed together to prevent injury. It is similar to a jab in boxing. Primarily targeting the eyes and trachea of your opponent.
Fu Jow aka Tiger Claw – This is the most popular techniques taught in women self-defense classes. The fingers are spread out and curled to a 45-90 degree angle. The advantage is that it covers a wider target area, so pinpoint accuracy is not so important.
Eye Flick – Although not exactly an eye gouge, the eye flick is an open backhand technique that involves flicking the back of your fingers towards the opponents’ eyes. This is not a finishing move but can cause your attacker minor damage and distraction, so you can either get away from them or deliver some other blow.
Whichever one you decide to focus on learning DO NOT practice on another human, no matter how much macho crap they spout about being able to deal with the pain. No one has tough eyelids, no matter how big their biceps are. If you decide to do this, make sure it is the only way out, since the law does not take kindly to grievous bodily harm unless you can prove that your life depended on it.
Think you’d be able to go through with doing this to someone?