While weapons came about as tools for hunting and war, over the millennia, we’ve come up with an
alternate use for them – entertainment. Thus we have weapon-based combat sports. Weapon-based
martial arts remain incredibly popular today,¡ and have been having a bit of a renaissance.
Weapon Fighting Popularity
One of the major reasons for the popularization of weapon combat sports is the rise of HEMA. HEMA
stands for historical European martial arts, and it usually refers to weapon-based fighting styles, such as
fencing, archery, spear fighting, etc.
Another reason for the success of weapon-based fighting is the online sportsbook scene. Bookies have
begun covering stuff like archery and fencing, especially at the Olympic level. For example, if you visit
novibet.com, you will find that they cover fencing, archery, and many combat sports from boxing
and MMA, to judo, and more.
Betting on combat is nothing new. Humans have been betting on physical competitions since the oldest
civilizations, from jousting competitions to archery tournaments. However, online sportsbooks make
placing these bets a lot easier than ever before. On top of that, they offer excellent bonuses and
promotions, making the experience much simpler and plainly better.
Stick Fighting
Throughout human history, there have been numerous, unique, and incredible weapons. However, the
first, and to this day most important tool for fighting and hunting that humans have ever come up with
is deceptively simple – the stick.
Whether used as a blunt-force weapon or sharpened to pierce the hide of beasts, the stick has served
us incredibly well. It is not surprising then, that many cultures around the world have their own
variations on stick fighting. Notable ones include:
- Eskrima from India
- Canne de Combat from France
- Bojutsu from Japan
- Zulu Stick Fighting from South Africa
Sword Fighting
The most iconic weapon in the world is, of course, the sword. Every culture has come up with some kind
of legend regarding a sword. Whether that be the notorious cutlass, the refined rapier, or even the
iconic katana.
Swords are an integral part of a country’s culture and history. This is why it should surprise nobody
that different sword fighting styles have developed throughout history. Some of the most popular sword
fighting styles nowadays include:
- Fencing from various European countries
- Kendo from Japan
- Geom Sul from Korea
- Iaijutsu from Japan
The invention of the bow and arrow completely changed humanity’s progress. Projectile weapons had a
major impact, not just on hunting, but on warfare. With different draw weights, arrow lengths, and sizes
affecting a bow’s effectiveness, cultures from all over the world have developed their own archery styles
and use for the arrow.
The most popular form of archery is Olympic archery, so named because it is a part of the Summer
Olympics. However, throughout history, men have used the bow and arrow in war. The most famous
regiments of archers throughout history have been the following:
- The English Longbowmen
- The Mongol Horse Archers
- The Japanese Samurai
Unfortunately, the advent of muskets put an end to archery’s effectiveness. However, the sport remains
an integral part of martial arts, and is practiced by thousands today.