The benefit of miniature self-defense tools is that no one else knows it’s there until you, unfortunately, are forced to use it. Just because these following tools are small, definitely does not mean they aren’t very effective…
My Kitty Plastic Self-Defense Keychain Weapon
It looks so innocent but as small as it is, it fulfills its purpose very well. The My Kitty self-defense tool, which slips right onto your keychain, so it is easily accessible in the event of an attack. The My Kitty, from The Home Security Store, is made of tough molded plastic, and wielding it not only provides you with rigid knuckles, but also two stabbing edges in the form of its ears. The My Kitty is stylish, compact, and lightweight, making the tool very easy to use and carry. Just slip your fingers through the eyes to deliver devastating strikes. This is an inexpensive addition to any self-defense arsenal.
This is exactly what it sounds like. Pepper spray in your phone case! This wraparound case, designed by a somewhat safety conscious US dad, slots onto the back of your smartphone and is fitted with a pepper-spray canister. Remove a pin and twist the safety catch and pop! A hot mist of habanero pepper can be blasted into an attacker’s eyes. Do check when it is legal to carry pepper-spray first as some states or countries, the hot spicy spray is against the law. Ingeniously, the pepper spray canister doubles as a stand, allowing you to watch movies hands-free too! Clever daddy.
Yellow Jacket
This case doubles up as a full-blown weapon. Okay, so there are no bullets, but what it is, is a case that can deliver a 650k volt stun to an assailant in less than two seconds. A regular stun gun takes up to 10 seconds to deploy, so this already is at an advantage, just make sure you hold it right or you may shock yourself…or fry your phone.
Circle of 6
This app is a great way to prevent violence before it happens. If you are in a tight spot or feel threatened, just press the alert button and the app instantly pings a circle of friends and family, asking them to come and rescue you while also providing a GPS location on a map. The app also provides you with a list of emergency numbers for the area you are in too just for extra safety. With 10,000+ downloads and winner of “apps against abuse” by TechCrunch, wired and MTV, we know this is a winner.
Life 360 Family Locator
With over a million downloads, this app is growing all the time but is hailed as one of the best family locator services out there. The app tracks your family on a map using real-time GPS tracking, while also showing you the most recent crimes so you know what areas to avoid. It also alerts you if a family member reaches a specific destination, so you’ll always be safe in the knowledge that your kids got to the party safe or that your husband is not off doing the dirty with his 20-something PA. Okay, so it’s a little stalkery but it also has a panic mode in case you need to alert your family to help you.
Would you consider using any of these tools?